My College Days


After doing my Pre Uuniversity at Raja Serfoji Govt. College, Thanjavur, I was preparing for I.I.T Entrance Examination. While I was busy preparing, Sh. Thiruvanlluvan, my Tutor in English and a friend of my elder brother Sh. K.Somasundaram, dropped in at our home on a casual visit. Having seen me busy, he advised me to take up English Literature as it would enable me to get a job immediately after my college studies. That was the turning point in my career.

During my under graduate days, I represented my college at university level oratorical contests in English. I was also the Chairman of the Literary and Debating Society of my college-Sri Pushpam College, Poondi during 1969-70.

Certificate of Prof. Sharma

Even during my undergraduate days, going by the advice of my brother Sh. Somasundaram (who was preparing for lot of competitive examinations by browsing through various books including Completion Master), I appeared for various competitive examinations for the post of clerk in nationalized banks.

I also appeared for interviews for the posts of clerk in Thanjairur Head Post office and Thanjavur Municipal office. I was selected for both. I chose to work in Thanjavur Municipal Office drawing a monthly emolument of Rs. 269. In May, 1970, I applied for M.A English Literature much against the advise of my elders. I was lucky to do P.G in Sh. Joseph’s College, Tirichirupalli under the guidance of Prof. (Rev) Fr. Lawrence Sundaram. I pursued my studies staying in New Hostel of the College. I had nice time with my hostel mates.

On a week end in February 1972, I had gone home and returned to the hostel at around 4 pm (on a Saturday). On arrival, I was informed of a debate organized by the Literary Association of the Hostel at 6 PM. The topic was “Are we (India) justified in fighting Indo-Bangladesh war 1971?” My friends prevailed upon me to participate. As I always kept abreast of what was happening around, I could easily defend the stand of Indian Govt in this regard and got the second prize.


During the first year of P.G . I penned a poem called “Wither Fled My Love”- purely a poem based on fancy and fantasy. It remained unpublished for years. Sadly, I have lost it. I finished my Masters in English Literature in June,1971. I started again to appear for competitive examinations for various positions.

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